The pascualina pie belongs to that large number of culinary preparations originated in Italy that as result of migration, crossed the Atlantic and ended up being part of the culinary culture of Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay. History books explain that in the Liguria region and in the city of Genoa during the fourteenth century, this pie was prepared to mark the celebration of Easter. Pascualina's essential ingredients, eggs and cheese, were foods eaten only on special occasions. The particularity of this pie was its dough; which resembled a pastry made from flour, water and olive oil that had to take 33 flaky layers: the age of Christ when he was crucified. According to the legend, the pie was the apotheosis of the ability of the housewives, who were able to superimpose up to thirty three sheets of dough as a tribute or Christ.
In the traditional recipe the main ingredient is the chard filling, although we usually substitute it with spinach or mixed vegetables. Patagonia Catering's Pascualina is filled with spinach, onions, ricotta cheese, and eggs.
If you want to learn more about it or for different recipes, check these websites:
Laura & Carola
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